Invisalign FAQ

Your FAQ for Invisalign in Philadelphia, PA.

In orthodontics, there is a dental appliance known as the clear aligner. This clear aligner is better known by its brand name Invisalign. Similar to the customary braces that many wear, an appliance from Invisalign is capable of straightening crooked teeth and aligning bites that are misaligned.

At Art of Smile – Center for Cosmetic Orthodontics, our dentists will get the ball rolling with your impression. That way your Invisalign will be perfect.

With clear aligners, they will create the necessary pressure so the teeth can transition to the right location. Normally, stages are used in the aligning process and each stage usually lasts for no more than two weeks which you will then begin the next aligner. Occasionally, an attachment will be placed with your aligner. Although the attachments are tiny, they are able to stay tightly connected to the teeth.

What Is The Purpose Of An Attachment?

When you have an Invisalign aligner, the purpose is to straighten the teeth. This is so they are aligned with the clear aligner through added pressure. Sometimes, a bit of help will be required in order for the movement of teeth to take place. This help is usually through an added attachment. Our dentist will add attachments if they feel the need for more movement to occur. When the attachment is used, they will be attached to the teeth. The material used is known as composite resin, which is what a filling uses. The different attachments used are all designed for different movement amounts. The clear aligner will add pressure to help attain the desired amount of alignment. Not only that, but they can keep the Invisalign anchored and stationary.

Are Attachments Needed By Everyone?

An attachment will not be needed by everyone. Their need will be based on the type of treatment you have. Prior to beginning treatment, your teeth will be examined and x-rays will be taken as well as your teeth impressions, which your Invisalign clear aligner will be designed from. The determination of attachments will be based on how much movement the teeth will need.

Will The Cost Of The Attachment Be Affected?

The entire cost of your Invisalign treatment will be determined by the complexity and quantity of your treatment. This may or may not include the cost of attachments to support the aligner. You need to be aware that dental insurance companies may not cover the cost of Invisalign aligners. However, you may find some that do. Thus, it will be important that you check your dental plan to see what is and what is not covered.

Is Pain Involved With Invisalign?

Having Invisalign may involve a little bit of discomfort after they are first applied or during your switch to the next aligner. This is only because the pressure is increased with the attachment as the teeth are being aligned. If the feeling of uncomfortableness is happening to you and your Invisalign, then getting a hold of us will allow you the opportunity to have adjustments made.

If you have any other questions about Invisalign clear aligners, or if you would like to start your Invisalign treatment, give Art of Smile – Center for Cosmetic Orthodontics a call at (215) 800-0015 today.