Best Age for Wearing Braces

What is the Best Age for Wearing Braces?

Are you unsatisfied with your tooth structure? Do you feel unconfident about your features? Good orthodontics yields a perfect smile that optimizes not only teeth but also facial appearance and self-esteem. Parents are interested in knowing, “What is the best age for braces?” There is no such magic bullet, though. The age depends on each child’s individual tooth development and orthodontic needs. You are wise to assess your teeth and find out what works best for you.

We created a guide that discusses the best time for braces, age factors, and some of the most significant factors that influence your choice.

What Does Braces Do?

Braces are used to treat the alignment of tooth structure and improve other dental functions. Braces generate tension over time to slowly position teeth in desired positions. It not only beautifies your smile but also helps towards improved oral hygiene in the form of easier cleaning and maintenance of your teeth. They also treat all dental ailments like:

  • Overlapping or crowded teeth
  • Spaces between teeth
  • Crossbites, openbites, underbites, and overbites
  • Jaw alignment issues
  • Misaligned teeth

However, during the braces treatment, avoid hard, sticky, and chewy food to prevent damaging wires and brackets. 

Early Orthodontic Evaluation: The First Step

Dental specialists and the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommend that a child should go for the initial orthodontic check-up by the age of six-seven. 

That is when the orthodontist can examine the development of the jaw and teeth and identify if anything is happening wrong that would be easier to cure at a tender age. Early evaluations can identify crowding, crossbites, and jaw position, and early treatment can start to make future orthodontic treatment easier.

What Is The Optimal Age For Braces?

Although the visit should be done at the early part of age six-seven, the most common age  to have comprehensive braces for children is between ages 10 to age 14. At this age, the majority of permanent teeth would already have come out but the jaw is still developing and therefore it’s an appropriate age to straighten the teeth. Orthodontic issues addressed in those formative years could lead to more effective and more efficient treatments.

Remember that every child grows at a different rate. Others will require earlier attention, particularly if they are extremely crowded, have buck teeth, or have a bite problem. Facial shape and jaw bone structure can be influenced by early intervention, providing room for permanent teeth to come in and minimizing potential future problems.

6 Key Signs To Analyze Misalignment

Parents should observe and look out for all the signs that could indicate that they would need to think in terms of putting on braces. There are very common orthodontic issues which they should be wary of avoiding, including:

  1. Teeth crowding due to insufficient space with a deep bite
  2. Gaps that worry about esthetics and function
  3. Front teeth protruding too far forward over the back teeth called overjet
  4. Bottom teeth protruding beyond the front teeth like an underbite
  5. Malocclusion when upper and lower teeth fail to meet.
  6. Front teeth don’t touch when you close your mouth making it an openbite

If your child is experiencing the following problems, you should immediately consult an orthodontist and get him checked.

Orthodontic Treatment for Adults

The Orthodontics treatment is for both adults and kids. Adults of all ages are coming in for long-term problems to be fixed or to brighten their smiles. Straight teeth are achievable at any age, and advances in technology have made procedures more comfortable and less noticeable.

But orthodontics on an adult can incorporate some unique complexities. Since the jaw is formed, some of the imbalances may require correction with a second intervention, such as jaw surgery. Adults will probably already have dental issues like gum disease and tooth decay that will require being treated before orthodontic treatment.

  • How long do you have to wear braces?

The entire procedure of braces and rehabilitation of teeth would last around 12 to 24 months. It depends and also on the alignment and how bad it is.

  • Are braces painful?

Braces for teeth are uncomfortable to wear for the first time, and when adjusting, but this diminishes as teeth acclimatize to them.

Determinants Of Timing Of Transparent Teeth Braces

Numerous considerations determine the choice of timing to initiate orthodontic treatment:

  • Dental Development: Care should be taken to note the order in which the permanent teeth erupt. The loss of primary teeth prematurely, or the late loss of primary teeth, will have a big impact on when wired or clear braces are to be applied.
  • Degree of Malocclusion: The particular type of bite problem or the extent to which an individual’s teeth are misaligned may have a serious effect not just on when treatment they need has to start, but also how much of a priority that treatment has to become in comparison to their overall health.
  • The Observation: Analysing the growth of the jaw is a critical process that has a very important function in the successful planning of many treatments. Through careful observation of how the jaw grows, medical experts can strategically employ this natural growth to attain the optimal results for patients.
  • Habits of Dental Hygiene: Success with orthodontic treatment is only possible if oral well-being is ensured. 

What Is The Best Age To Wear Braces?

The best age for wired or clear aligners is 10-14, but to achieve effective results, your child must have permanent tooth structure and have his jaw developing. This will make the teeth straightening process efficient no matter what modality they choose. There are traditional metal braces as well as clear customized 3D printed light force braces – they both help achieve desired results.

  • Ages 6-9: Early treatment may be recommended if the alignment is bad or if jaw discrepancies exist.
  • Ages 10-14: This is the most common yet the best age for braces because this age is most suited for correction without much resistance from fully developed bones.
  • Ages 15-18: The teenagers who are unable to receive treatment timely, can trust the process of braces. 15 or 18 years of age is still a good age for applying braces and obtaining wonderful results.
  • Ages 19-70: The adults who have slight relapse from previous ortho or never had a chance to fix their teeth , can benefit with the advances in orthodontics in this day and age .

Achieve A Healthier Smile Today 

Towards the end of this article, we would like to highlight that having braces does not purely depend upon the development of the tooth, the individual’s requirement and what orthodontic professionals diagnose. Thus, parents must consider early consultation maybe when their child is 6-7 years old, for effective treatment. 

For those who are looking for “braces near me” in Philadelphia, we highly recommend “Art of Smile” to provide professional treatment to the individual needs of every patient. For children, teenagers, or adults, their team holds expertise in dealing with various types of dental issues. solutions to a healthier, more confident smile.

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